The benefits of using Typescript with Next.js

3 min read

As a JavaScript developer, you may have heard about TypeScript and its benefits, but you may be wondering how it can be used with `Next.js`, a popular framework for building server-rendered React applications.

What is Javascript?

2 min read

JavaScript is a programming language that is commonly used to add interactivity and other dynamic features to websites.

What is HTML?

2 min read

HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is the foundation of the modern web. It is a markup language that allows developers to structure and format web content, making it possible for users to access and interact with it.

What is CSS?

2 min read

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a stylesheet language used to describe the look and formatting of a document written in a markup language.

What is a REST API?

2 min read

A REST API, or Representational State Transfer API, is a web-based interface that allows developers to access and manipulate data from a server using a set of predefined operations.

Webpack, React and Babel

7 min read

Create-React-App is a tremendous product, and really does help ease the new developer into the React framework. But there comes that time in every developers

useFetch: A reusable custom React hook.

11 min read

The React hook API means we can reuse our code, more efficiently than ever before. One of the most...